Home Case Study Details
Shikha Diet

Website development


Nutritionist Shikha Karnawat is all about Eat well; Sleep well; No Exercise; Lose/Gain weight by Healthy Diets. She specializes in Home-based Indian diets. Her Venture is in the Name of “SHIKHA Diet” having its headquarters in Jaipur and delivering services all around the globe through the internet.


NLET were tasked to create the website for Shikha Diet, as they entered the market. Their vision of delivering her services all around the globe was the main criteria, but also wished to offer a facility to purchase diet plans online while the customers are sitting in any corner of the world.


For Shikha Diet, NLET created a stunning website with a clean, elegant look. Large and vibrant colour images were included in various areas to represent Shikha Diet's goal and give the site a positive, cheerful feel. Payment gateway integration was also implemented for enabling the customers to buy the diet plan no matter where they are.

The navigation bar was simplified and organised to make it easier for visitors to get to where they need to be. The website was thoughtfully and strategically built to increase conversion rates by providing users with a wide range of diet plan options for making a purchase.


Our website development services gave Shikha Diet a successful start to the launch of their new website. They were really pleased with our approach and are delighted to have a digital presence as “Shikha Diet” & a platform where she can deliver her services all around the world.

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