How to improve your e-commerce sales in 2019?

Posted by - Admin March 15,2021

How to improve your Ecommerce sales

Whether you are a fresh company or have been in business for several years, your company will profit from more eCommerce sales. Unfortunately, companies are undergoing and declining plateaus.

These things are happening, but they are not being discouraged. If you have difficulty coming up with fresh ways to get more clients and boost income, I can offer you a few tips. Your past techniques might have worked at one stage, but the same ancient approaches may ultimately become vital that your company keeps up with fresh trends continually.

Consumer habits, particularly in the e-commerce sector, have altered. As a marketing specialist, I have evaluated these trends and produced a list of tips that will work. Here are the 11 best ways to produce more revenue on your website.

1. Target your existing clients:

They immediately think it’s because they don’t have enough customers if companies have difficulty growing. This is a common misunderstanding, so don’t spring to conclusions. You should enhance your customer retention policy, instead of concentrating all your effort on client procurement. Take a look at the effect of loyal clients on an eCommerce site: compared to fresh clients and clients who only shopped one item on your site, loyal customers: adding more products to their carts will increase the conversion rate, generating more income every time they visit your site.

Of course, if you can maintain having fresh clients, it is good for your company. But this is a more costly marketing strategy. It is much cheaper to follow your current client base.


These individuals know your brand already. You understand how to use your goods and there is no curve of learning. Concentrate on ways to enhance your experience. Try to develop a customer loyalty program that encourages individuals to spend more cash every time they shop. Every dollar spent can translate into a point of benefits. If a client collects a number of points, he can pay them for discounts or other promotions.

2. Secure Your e-commerce Website:

Nobody will want to shop on your e-commerce page if it seems sketchy or otherwise untrustworthy. Display icon that indicates your site is trustworthy. One of the first things to do is to ensure that your e-commerce website is safe. Cybersecurity is a significant problem these days for shoppers. 46 per cent of Americans have been victims of credit card fraud over the past five years.

Online shoppers prioritize the security of their data. This must be recognized and the required changes made. But what can you do to demonstrate that you have confidence?

Show any safety badges your website uses proudly. These are some common instances of decisions.

That need to go without stating, I understand, but I want to be apparent. Make sure your clients are not lying or misleading. Don’t just hit these badges across your page unless you have a connection with those businesses. If not, you may also be in some legal difficulty.

Which of these safeguards is the best?

I don’t want to speak about the performance, but I can tell you which customer talks the most. Norton Antivirus won a government perception landslide. So, if you use Norton and you don’t have a badge, you have to modify it as quickly as possible. For people who shop for fresh prospective safety suppliers on the website, it is not a bad idea to take them as a top priority.

3. Use the demo video :

Consumers love videos more than half the marketing specialists worldwide actually claim video has the highest return on an investment relative to other marketing strategies. Websites that have videos can spend 88% more time on their websites by the average consumer. Furthermore, videos and advertisements. This is how the Robo eCommerce brand produced $4.7 million in video ads.

This increases the commitment and interest in whatever you try to sell. Videos resonate more with individuals, so they probably remember what they saw instead of just reading about it. How is it possible to include appropriate videos on your website?

Creating product demonstrations such as Nato with its intelligent mount: The video demonstrates to customers how they can use it every day. Your site describes that the mount works for smartphones, tablets and GPS devices.

Listing this is one thing, but it is much more efficient to show clients how it operates through video demonstrations. The video demonstrates the item in the kitchen, the vehicle, the bedroom, the boat, the office, and the bathroom.

It is therefore attractive to a broader range of individuals. This strategy won’t work for all products necessarily. For instance, if you sell a shirt, you won’t have to show how to put a shirt on.

But if your clothing has something unique in terms of use and functionality, a video is an excellent way to transmit that message. It is also an optimal approach for e-commerce locations that sell fresh, unique or innovative goods.


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4. Clients Feedback:

Use pictures when including client feedbacks User feedback and feedback are an excellent way to demonstrate a notion. But a message from some unnamed and unfaced individual is not so compelling. Take one step further with your testimonials. Add a photo, and include the full name and title of the person (if applicable to your product). An excellent instance from Pangea Organics is this: Autumn Bree Fata is an integrative wellness trainer, so her headline has some power and informs us about this item she understands. With a photo of her face, she’s a true individual, not just someone you have created. What looks better and more professional, do you believe?

The above instance or: “This item is fantastic! “Daniel L. It’s evident. It’s evident. The Pangea Organics instance will resonate more with the individuals who visit your website. This testimony may inspire others to buy and drive sales. This e-commerce shop sells beauty products specifically for clients with curly hair. Here’s another instance from Naturally Curly: Your website enables people to share their stories and also to include photos. If your product solves an issue, clients are glad to share their stories. Before I described how storytelling can participate and convince individuals. Combining storytelling and photos with your reports will assist to boost your website revenues.

Recognize that your customers would like to shop from their mobile devices Just because you have an eCommerce website doesn’t mean that you can suppose that your customers only shop from their computers. The truth is that individuals use mobile phones and tablets for online shopping. Research indicates that 40% of mobile users have purchased something from their phones online.

In addition, 63% of thousands of years shop on their devices. The numbers can not be ignored. Make sure your website for mobile devices is optimized. If your site is not mobile-friendly, prospective sales will be deleted. For those of you who do not have an optimized mobile site, this may be one of the factors for a drop in revenues.

I’d make you’re to-do list a top priority. Another thing you can think of is building a mobile app. See why clients prefer applications compared to a mobile website: all these factors simplify stuff to the client. Enhancing your customer experience will assist you to boost your sales and income.

Find a way to concentrate on what clients want. Convenience Speed Saved preferences and settings Personalization Entertainment benefits and rewards When you provide this website, mobile site and mobile application you will have no problem getting more sales.

5. Sale on Your Product:

It may sound easy, but insufficient businesses offer their clients discounts. If you’re concerned about your profit margins, use a time-honoured marketing strategy.

Jack up every product’s base cost and then placed it on sale.

It’s simple. It’s simple. Look at this instance from Express: you offer 40% off of all on your website. I’m going to see that websites give’ up to’ a certain percentage of’ select products.’ But that’s nothing compared to 40% off the page.

Everybody loves to get a lot, so it’s a great way to drive sales. Showcase your top sales products Give some direction to your clients. Show them what individuals most buy. I like it if websites are categorized as “best vendor” on the homepage. Not everyone who browses your website knows precisely what they want. If your business sells a broad variety of products, particularly for a fresh client it can be overwhelming. If someone stumbles on your site, they can be attracted to famous products.

This is how Black Yeti does it on their eCommerce page: You can also take this chance to encourage high margin products. You can put it on your homepage even if they aren’t actually your top sellers (nobody needs to know that).

In a perfect world, your top-selling products are also your most profitable products, so try making adjustments in order to increase profit margins.

6. Promotions for holidays:

Special events are a moment when individuals want to shop and spend more cash than on the ordinary day of the year. Ramp up promotions for holidays. This is why I always say e-commerce sites encourage holiday sales actively. You have a tiny chance to get huge sales during these activities. See these statistics for cyber-week e-commerce locations: break down your best deals this season of the year.

The shopping centres are packed so that customers can shop from home more conveniently. Use this for your benefit. I said that previously, but here’s another chance for you to target your existing clients. To encourage them to purchase them during the holiday season, send messages to your subscriber list. Bear in mind that individuals buy gifts for friends and families. Encourage your products accordingly. Market items like “the perfect gift” or “the best ways to show someone you care about.”

7. FOMO (fear of missing out):

When you sell products on your e-commerce website you have to generate a feeling of urgency. Instead of waiting for the acquisition to finish at a subsequent date (which they may never do). Specify to your clients that you have a restricted amount of products left, even if not.

Airlines always do this. Check this instance from Delta: four of the 6 rates on this page are restricted. The smallest cost is $303.20, but at this cost, only one ticket remains. This approach can create an impulse buying choice for a price-sensitive client (most people).

This gives rise to the fear that if they don’t buy it now, they will spend more money later. Another way to do this is by selling flash. Here is an instance of something you can e-mail your clients or place on your website directly: this again makes you feel a feeling of urgency.

The sale ends at midnight, so if the customer doesn’t behave now, he can miss a lot. It is far more efficient than sending a coupon at the end of the month, which gives people an excuse to stop shopping. Ensure that your marketing campaigns are operational and that you get more sales.

8. Payment Options:

You have to give people different options to pay for the products and services on your website. If you accept Visa and MasterCard only, you alienate many prospective clients. Make sure you can accept debit cards in addition to credit cards.

Best Buy accepts on its website 6 distinct credit card types. They also allow clients to pay via PayPal. The last thing you want is a customer that wants to make an acquisition but can’t do it because you don’t use the principal payment technique.

Continue to adapt also to fresh trends. Alternative payment options like Apple Pay are also becoming increasingly popular. When you have a mobile app, clients can pay for products readily with a few clicks via Apple Pay. Making the checkout process as easy as you can help you get more e-commerce.

9. Concentrate on your value proposition:

What does the customer see on your website? Is it your number? Is it your number? The mission statement of your company? These are not efficient. These are not efficient.

Put more emphasis on value instead. Tell your clients how your product is separated from comparable products on the market. Their value statement informs you all you need to understand about the item. It has a headline that captures the attention of the consumer. Next, a short description shows what the item does precisely. They contain a list of their best characteristics to concentrate on for clients.

Square also involves a photo of its POS scheme to demonstrate to clients how it looks. You will be able to drive more sales on your E-commerce page if you can generate an extremely effective value proposition.


If sales are beginning to slow down or become stagnant, it is time for you to find fresh and innovative methods to market your e-commerce website goods and services. Instead of attempting to discover fresh clients, concentrate your marketing efforts on your current client base. Make sure your website is safe to allow clients to easily enter their private and credit card numbers.

To demonstrate to clients how to use your products, use video demonstrations. If you use a customer case study right now, that’s great. But if you want the testimonials to be improved, add a picture to them. You can enhance revenues by offering a lot of promotions and ads during unique moments of the year, such as holidays. Creating a sense of urgency to encourage customers to buy impetus.

But do not forget, Your website must at least be optimized for mobile devices. If you want to reach an additional mile, consider developing a mobile app. Promote your top items for sale. Take a distinctive and feasible value proposal. These tips assist you to increase your website’s sales