School ERP Software in Jaipur Rajasthan

Posted by - Admin January 19,2022

School ERP Software in Jaipur Rajasthan

Geographically Rajasthan is the largest state of India and Jaipur is the capital of Rajasthan known as Pink City. And if we talk about education in Jaipur then there are very well known institutes. With the help of the best school ERP software, every institute is switching from physical classroom to online mode.

The last few years have impacted the education system as well as the learning procedure of students. In this period pandemic schools have to switch themselves to online mode. The school management system helps them in it. School management software is time tested software integrated advanced module that helps faculty in minimizing their daily workload. This software is designed in a very effective manner. In it, a teacher can track all student-related records like fee management, timetable management, examinations management and many more.

The aim of NLET school software is to change the working methodology of the schools by providing the best school management software in jaipur. This software minimizes the daily hassle of the teachers and reduces their daily working activities. Schools can run more quickly and effectively with the help of this software.

Benefits of Using School ERP Software:

Software for school management is full of benefits. It will help your school administration to run smoothly and in a cost-effective manner.

1. Management of Admission:

The student admission management system by NLET reduces the time-consuming admission procedure. If we manually manage the admission process it may lead to human errors. But by the school ERP software efficiency increases. Schools can manage all the data digitally.

Key features of admission management:

  • You can verify students' documents digitally and with a single click, you can collect fees.

  • According to your needs, you can customize the admission form.

  • Students need not stand in a queue to submit the admission form. They can fill the form in their comfort zone.

  • Parents can use the enquiry features from their homes if they have any before submitting the form.

2. Management of Fees

Fee management of school software is full of flexibility. Parents need not stay in a queue of a bank to submit fees. Teachers can track pending fees and fees collection. If there is any due then parents will automatically receive an alert. Using this software to manage fees is fully safe.

Key features of fees management:

  • Parents can pay fees anytime and from anywhere.

  • Schools can track the fees of an individual student.

  • Remind parents about the pending fee.

  • According to the student category schedule fee collection date.

3. Management of Transportation

Student safety is the topmost priority of every educational institute. In the traditional educational system, the school can’t track the location of school transport. But by using this school management system, the school can track the live location of the bus. Schools can track transportation fees and maintain vehicle records.

Key features of transport management:

  • Maintain vehicle information like route, stops and student allotment.

  • Enhance the safety of students.

  • Parents will get a notification in case of modification in the schedule.

  • Assign buses to students according to the availability of seats.

4. Management of Attendance

This is the most often used school management software offered by NLET. Managing, recording and tracking students' attendance is a regular task of students. Managing students' attendance using per or register is a very tedious task and an outdated process. By using this software chances of error get decreased.

Key features of attendance management:

  • Send notification to parents frequently regarding their ward’s attendance.

  • Can track daily attendance with the help of a biometric system and RFID cards.

  • This software gives a 100% accurate attendance record.

  • Teachers can make a record of students' attendance at a click of a button.

5. Management of Examination

In this COVID situation, this school ERP software plays a very important role. With the help of this system taking online examinations has become an easier task for the schools. Conducting every exam whether it is an annual examination or unit test becomes easier with this ERP software. This school software eliminates the cost of paper. To avoid cheating in examinations, teachers can shuffle the questions for every student.

Key features of examination management:

  • Flexibility for teachers to give marks and update them if required.

  • Digitally and instantly send the students to report to their parents.

  • Teachers can create a batch-wise report.

  • Hall tickets and exam schedules can be generated quickly.

6. Management of Timetable

NLET’s software for schools helps the education institute in managing timetables. If any teacher is absent then by using this software admin can allocate another teacher in a single click. Both teachers and students can get access to the timetable using the mobile app.

Key features of timetable management:

  • Admin can effortlessly allocate class to the teacher.

  • From the login panel, teachers can check their classes.

  • An admin can pre-schedule the timetable for all the classes.

  • Students can check their whole week's timetable.

Make your school digital with best school ERP software

NLET school ERP software helps educational institutes across Jaipur, Rajasthan in the admission process to monitor students' reports on a single platform. Along with the above-discussed modules our school software also includes human resource, library, event, complaint management.

By incorporating this school management system NLET brings the educational institutes on the front side. This system is a boon to the schools as it covers all the complex functionality. Schools can save their time and money by using this software.